INDIAN Fire Alarm Technicians have received factory training from various manufacturers of fire alarm systems as well as additional certifications. Our technical staffs include experienced master and journeyman electricians and degreed electronics personnel. Equipment specifically manufactured for these purposes is selected and standardized installation methods are anticipated during the design
Fire Detection Systems with one mission: to give buyers a comprehensive, cost-effective means of providing fire detection networks for corporate, educational, government and retail campuses of any size using 21st century technologies.
Designed and manufactured to the highest standards in a quality controlled environment and with UL and FM approvals, the Elite XT releasing panel offers outstanding value and performance for all small to medium fixed firefighting installations.
All the devices are individually addressed i.e. given a unique address and description of the area it is installed in to help identify the device. An example would be “device number 1021, Optical Smoke Detector, Finance manager’s office”. The customized message will be displayed on the control panel in a text format or in a graphical display alongside the visual detection zone indicators
TRIPTI HIGHTECH SOLUTION PVT.LTD . has been providing inspection, functional testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems to commercial, industrial, government, and mercantile facilities . We expandedour services in 2019 by adding special hazards systems and in 2020 added fire alarm and detection. Most recently, we have added access control systems, fire extinguisher sales and service, and fire protection systems management programs.
Team members were asked to provide management with their input to establish our core values. Tripti Hightech team members have developed core values using one word with a description of what each word means to them.